Thursday 13 December 2012


Who likes bacon?

I love bacon.
Especially on Sunday mornings with eggs.

Comment on this post IF you like bacon

Monday 10 December 2012

I Declare this website to be about me (and a few other people

Everybody listen I have some BIG news
My Grandfather passed away today at about 11 O clock
It was sad.

Now my Question is, how do you say a proper good bye to your loved ones before they go?
Luckily I got to say goodbye.
I would love it if you could give me ways to feel better about it


Let's do something with this website
I'm taking over!

Friday 11 November 2011


Kaurilands school is now officially part of Auckland Transports travelwise programme.

 He whetu koutou! Well done for all your hard work.

Sunday 9 October 2011

Pricing for the signs

Mrs Robinson has heard back from Digital factory who make signs for Kaurilands school.

A pavement sign  of our sign will cost $226.00 plus tax

A plastic banner of our sign that would be fixed to the school fence would cost $285.00 plus tax

What do you think our next step would be now that we have these prices? 

Our entry for the Engineering award is now due, however our project continues. Have a great break over the holidays. Kia kaha

Tuesday 27 September 2011

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

We came up with the headings, time, cost, who would do the job and space and then brainstormed the implications of each on each of our initial solutions. We had already done this in June, but we were only able to think of heading which was cost.

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

We chose number 5 because it did not cost any money and we were the ones who made the video. we chose number 8 because we had the information and we did not have to rely on other people to do it for us. We also chose number 9 as it was a really good one cause we got to design our very own sign.
 Nothing so far has cost money to get our solution's but the school will also be supporting us when we need to make the sign.