Wednesday 16 March 2011

Future Engineering

Engineer's are pretty amazing people. They use their imagination and problem solving skills to invent, design, and build things that matter. We are learning that everything around us has been engineered in someway.

After lots of brainstorming as to what we should call ourselves, Sarah came up with Future Engineering. Because, we are the future.

EVERYONE please post a comment on a type of Engineering you can remember and give an example.
There are lots to choose from.
For example: Chemical Engineers can work on making better paint and plastic.


  1. Civil engineers design and build things.

  2. Aerospace Engineers are people who build flying type things like rockets.

  3. Engineers also plan toilet systems and sewerge systems for every household and every city.They controll water and waste.

  4. @ tardis. What would you call these Engineers?

  5. Civil Engineers build things. Aerospace Engineers build rockets so first they build mini models and test the mini rockets, but there is gravity on earth and no gravity on the moon, so they have to test the rocket to the correct substence.

  6. Civil Engineers build complacated things.

  7. The concept of Engineering has existed since ancient times as humans devised fundamental inventions such as the pulley,lever and wheel.

  8. @ Callum. I really like the detail you have provided about Aerospace Engineers. You have told me what they build and also how they have to test what they build. Ka pai!
