Making a storyboard is really important when we are thinking about making a video.
We are going to make a video as a way to share information with the community about
- Encouraging the correct use of the two minute drop off zone
- Encouraging parents to park near the school so they can walk their children into school.
- Highlight the advantages of the walking school bus
Step 1
Write a narrative (story) of what your video will be about.
Step 2
Break up your narrative into 8 to 10 key (important) scenes.
Step 3
Pencil in your scenes to your storyboard.
Step 4
Look at your storyboard. Have you missed any important scenes out? If so, add these in.
POST YOUR NARRATIVE (STORY) of the information video that you would like to see made.
Have a look at all the ideas we brainstormed together. You could also take a picture of your storyboard and post this ...
Have a great week.