Monday 13 June 2011

Your goals this week

We are getting closer to the really fun part of our project which is to start coming up with solutions.

Your goals for this week are to read the 2 blog postings below about today's meeting and then answer the following questions.

1. What kind of mistakes was there in the survey information?

2. What were Marisha's next 2 steps when she had put in the information about ruma 8 into her excel spreadsheet?

3. There was a lot of feedback from you about your solutions which is great. What are some of your solutions?

4. Can we decide on a solution before we know what all the information tells us?


Information overload!


  1. 1. The mistakes were in the surveys from Room 8 where they had the address but not the house number. We won't be able to see if they live in the 5 minute circle or not without a house number.

    2. The next steps were to find out if they walk, bus, car or cycle and find out if they will consider using the walking school bus.

    3. One of our suggestions was a newsletter to encourage people to walk to school.

    4. No because you may miss out some important information which will decide which solution you choose.

  2. 1. Room 8’s survey didn't have a street number on the address. This meant that we couldn't find exactly where a person lived on a street and if they lived in the 5 minute circle or outside the circle.
    2. Marisa’s next steps were to write down in her computer program, if the children walk car, bus or cycle to school and if they would consider the walking school bus.
    3. Three of our suggestions was to make a poster (we are still thinking about doing that)make a news letter for the school , make flyers to go around the school and to have a school bus, but we are not going to do that cost money and we do not want to do something that involves money.

    4. No, because you may miss out some important data and if we miss out on some data then our solution would be something that would not be helping the problem.

  3. 1. The mistakes were that they had just the road when we need the road and the house number so we can know if they live in the 0.5km, 1km or live somewhere else.
    2. The next job was to find out how they travelled to school and put it in a computer program.
    3. One of our suggestions was to put it in the newsletter, and another one of our ideas was a school bus, but that costed money so we aren’t going to use that idea.
    4. No because you will come to the wrong conclusion.
