Thursday 25 August 2011

Sign designs so far ......

Engineers need to keep deadlines, otherwise they are costing other people involved in the Engineering process time and money. Our goal from last week was to have our signs ready. It is really important to keep to our timeline otherwise we will run out of time to submit our entry.

After a little bit of editing that is needed, we will be asking Whaea Jackie to choose the sign which sends the most effective message.

USE THE PMI (positive, minus, Interesting) strategy on each of the signs above to make a comment on what you think about each of the signs. 



  1. I think that Deana's one was the most effective one because it gives the most effective message cause it has the piture that describe's what she is trying to say to every body.But I think that every body's was really good to.

  2. I think a good thing about Sufia’s one is that it has both of the times on it. A minus is it doesn’t clearly tell people that you can’t park there. An interesting thing is it has the picture of an arrow pointing both ways. A good thing about Yvette’s one is that it says no parking between 8.30am and 9.00am. A minus is that it doesn’t have the afternoon times. An interesting thing is that it is the only one that has a border. A positive for my one is it clearly says “no parking.”A minus is it doesn’t say the dates like Sufia’s. I think they all can be improved.

  3. I think the one with the green arrows is better because it is simple and tells the message to everyone.If Deanna could change one thing on her sign I would suggest taking away the picture of the car.

  4. Great feedback on the signs :). We will use this feedback to edit the signs and make the necessary improvements on Wednesday. Having a clear message is really important.

  5. I like the one with green arrows cause it tells you that the two minute is down this street not like the other ones because they might think it could be in the car park.
