Tuesday 27 September 2011

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

We came up with the headings, time, cost, who would do the job and space and then brainstormed the implications of each on each of our initial solutions. We had already done this in June, but we were only able to think of heading which was cost.

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

We chose number 5 because it did not cost any money and we were the ones who made the video. we chose number 8 because we had the information and we did not have to rely on other people to do it for us. We also chose number 9 as it was a really good one cause we got to design our very own sign.
 Nothing so far has cost money to get our solution's but the school will also be supporting us when we need to make the sign.

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

The sign is better than having a bus because a bus costs a lot of money but a sign does not cost as much as a bus and you get to design a sign of your own.

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

We chose numbers 5,8 and 9 because they didn't cost too much money and they were not too time consuming.

The other ones needed more money, people and time.

Reflecting on our solutions by Deanna

The reason we chose number five was because it didn't cost any money, we made the video and all it did cost was our time. Number eight was chosen because again it didn't cost anything but time. Number nine was also chosen because it was simple and it also was a really good idea.

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

Using the information we found out from the travel survey we thought the following solutions could work.

1. Have a Kauriland's school bus that picks up and drops off children.

2. Give parents tickets for breaking the rules at  the two minute drop off zone.

3. Get more children using the walking school bus.

4. Give parents who use the drop off zone correctly  a raffle ticket  for a weekly draw.

5. Make an information video for parents to remind them, how to use the drop off zone safely and correctly.

6. Get Auckland council to make more parking spaces near school.

7. Get school to make their carpark bigger.

8. Provide information about the two minute drop off zone through the school newsletter and blog.

9. Make a children's sign for the two minute drop off zone.

WHY DID WE ONLY CONSIDER number 5, 8 and 9 as our solutions?

Final Sign designs

How are these signs an IMPROVEMENT on the first signs you made?

Wednesday 21 September 2011

Our meeting with Meera from Auckland council

Today we met with Meera who works for Auckland Transport. We explained to Meera how we came up with the problem that we had been looking into.

Meera gave us some very interesting information about two minute drop off signs on how they do not work.
The interesting bit is that there are lots of two minute drop off signs in West Auckland, but very few or even none of these signs in other parts of Auckland.Our school is in West Auckland.

We showed Meera our two final designs and talked about our ideas on where we would like to see them displayed.

Tuesday 20 September 2011

I think that adults are seeing the sign but just are not bothering to follow the rules and just being lazy. And just thinking all about themself.

Monday 19 September 2011

Drop off signs at a school nearby.

James spotted the drop off signs at a school very near Kaurilands. These pictures were taken yesterday at 2.25pm. There are 5 drop off signs altogether. The interesting thing was that there were lots of cars already parked at the drop off zone even though the school has all these signs. WHAT IS GOING ON??




1.Law,warning,guide and tourist.
2.Because they will not have time to read it if they are driving past.
My computer will not let me sign in.

Wednesday 14 September 2011

The chosen one!

Thank you Whaea Jackie for coming to speak to the children today. Whaea Jackie enjoyed looking at all the designs put forward by the group. We will be using the feedback of being careful with the kind of symbols that were used in some of the signs. For example the red stop sign used in one of the designs sends a confusing message. Do we really want cars to stop at the two minute drop off zone? We have also noted that Whaea Jackie likes borders!

Our task now is to edit the sign that Whaea Jackie has chosen, and make some improvements! This sign has now been emailed to everyone.

"I like this one, as the message is clear".

Marisha also talked about NZ road signs. What were the four kinds of signs that she spoke about?

"We need to be careful about the kind of symbols we use on our signs".
Marisha went on to explain, that we should not use road safety symbols in our signs that are currently used in other signs as this would just confuse drivers. She also spoke to us about the size of the letters and how we should try to use as little writing as possible. WHY IS THIS?

The slogan - and we have a great slogan "DROP OFF AND GO" needs to be really clear in our sign, as the reason for our sign is to reinforce the Auckland council two minute drop off sign.

 Using all the feedback, the following are examples of how our signs could look.



Monday 12 September 2011

Two Minute Drop Off Zone Sign

Hi Guys,

Great work on the signs. I received them all last week and I've been having a good look through them to see how they can be improved. On Wednesday, when we meet, I'll give each of you some feedback on your individual sign designs.

In general, I like how each of you are emphasising the two minute rule and reminding parents that it is a drop off zone and not a parking zone. However, some of the signs might have a little too much information on it and so the message that we are trying to give to parents can get lost in all the text on the sign.

Remember, how we spoke about keeping it simple!!

Another thing to remember when finalising our sign design is that we need to respect the current traffic and road rules. This means that in NZ we have specific shapes, colours and symbols on signs that give drivers specific messages. For example, a red octagonal with the words STOP on it is usually found at an intersection and this sign means that a driver has to come to a complete stop before driving through the intersection. If we put a sign similar to this at our drop off zone, it would probably confuse drivers. We'll discuss this more on Wednesday and I'll give you a few more examples to explain.

I googled some examples of drop off zone signs that are being used in other countries and these are included below:

Finally, you all put a lot of effort into picking a really cool slogan to emphasise the importance of using the drop off zone correctly. I'd like to see this slogan on our sign! Wouldn't you??

I did a quick example of a sign for you - tell me what you think about it...

Friday 9 September 2011

Meeting Whaea Jackie

Yvette and I went to see Whaea Jackie about the two minute Drop off zone, and that we should have a person on patrol for it. Whaea Jackie explained that there is going to be a teacher near the two minute drop off zone in the morning and afternoon for two weeks, to patrol this area. If some parents still do nott get the message we will have to do something else.

Thursday 1 September 2011


What is the times in the morning for the drop off zone and the after school times.

Thinking about how to survey the senior school on choosing the best slogan


We decided to do a tally chart for each senior class

Goal this week

Whaea Jackie will choose the sign that gives the most effective message. If you are adding final touches, please make sure these are emailed to me by next Tuesday so I can print them in colour for you. You have now all received feedback on how your signs could be improved. Whaea Jackie will only be able to choose from the work that she can see.

Sufia and Deanna have you spoken to Whaea Jackie yet about the groups idea of an additional child out on patrol to supervise the two minute drop off zone? Feedback please.

Have a great week and Happy Fathers day on Sunday - I am sure you won't forget :)