Monday 12 September 2011

Two Minute Drop Off Zone Sign

Hi Guys,

Great work on the signs. I received them all last week and I've been having a good look through them to see how they can be improved. On Wednesday, when we meet, I'll give each of you some feedback on your individual sign designs.

In general, I like how each of you are emphasising the two minute rule and reminding parents that it is a drop off zone and not a parking zone. However, some of the signs might have a little too much information on it and so the message that we are trying to give to parents can get lost in all the text on the sign.

Remember, how we spoke about keeping it simple!!

Another thing to remember when finalising our sign design is that we need to respect the current traffic and road rules. This means that in NZ we have specific shapes, colours and symbols on signs that give drivers specific messages. For example, a red octagonal with the words STOP on it is usually found at an intersection and this sign means that a driver has to come to a complete stop before driving through the intersection. If we put a sign similar to this at our drop off zone, it would probably confuse drivers. We'll discuss this more on Wednesday and I'll give you a few more examples to explain.

I googled some examples of drop off zone signs that are being used in other countries and these are included below:

Finally, you all put a lot of effort into picking a really cool slogan to emphasise the importance of using the drop off zone correctly. I'd like to see this slogan on our sign! Wouldn't you??

I did a quick example of a sign for you - tell me what you think about it...


  1. I think the signs look really clear and simple.

  2. I think the sign looks great. My favourite part is the slogan, and I think the colours are bright and stand out.
