Tuesday 27 September 2011

Reflecting on the solutions we chose

Using the information we found out from the travel survey we thought the following solutions could work.

1. Have a Kauriland's school bus that picks up and drops off children.

2. Give parents tickets for breaking the rules at  the two minute drop off zone.

3. Get more children using the walking school bus.

4. Give parents who use the drop off zone correctly  a raffle ticket  for a weekly draw.

5. Make an information video for parents to remind them, how to use the drop off zone safely and correctly.

6. Get Auckland council to make more parking spaces near school.

7. Get school to make their carpark bigger.

8. Provide information about the two minute drop off zone through the school newsletter and blog.

9. Make a children's sign for the two minute drop off zone.

WHY DID WE ONLY CONSIDER number 5, 8 and 9 as our solutions?

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