Monday 4 April 2011

Goals for the week

Your goals for this week are:

1. Read the blog post "Identifying a school or a community need".

2. Post a comment to this blog post if you have not already done so. CLUE: think about the 2 minute drop off zone just outside the school.

3. Sarah and Sufia's comments so far have raised a safety issue and an idea about contacting another primary school to get additional information. What questions could you ask? Who would you ask at the school?

4. In the school newsletter that was just sent home there is some news on neighbours' driveways. "Across the road from our school is a public car park which many families use as a drop off and pick up spot. Unfortunately a small number of cars are parking or blocking the driveway behind the carpark. This is causing many problems for the families down the driveway". What do you think about this?

REMEMBER that you have the whole week to think about and then complete your goals. I have now emailed your class teacher so hopefully you will be able to have access to the blog over lunch if you prefer to do this learning at school.

Your brain is like a big muscle. It needs lots of exercise for it to expand and learn new things. Remember that you are all capable of doing anything you set you mind to!


  1. The question I would ask the prinsipal and the school caretaker is " do thay have the same staff carparking situation as our school".If they said yes I would ask "how do you cope with this".

    Other people need to be more considerate about where they are parking. It's not nice to park infront of other peoples driveways instead of driving their kid to school they could either walk to school if thay live near the school or they could park somewhere else that is close to the school.

  2. Other schools have the same problem because when they get droped off it will busy because if they have a lot of kids.If there is no parking spaces just park some where else that is no busy near the the school.

  3. For kern. What would happen if cars followed the parking rules outside their school?

  4. Another teacher or adult could work at the same time school patrols being a parking warden. When the carpark is full this person can block the entry with a traffic cone. As cars leave the carpark the cone can be taken away so other cars can come in. If the carpark is full the cars will have to find somewhere else to park on the road. This will control the number of cars in the carpark.

  5. We could ask the school principal or whoever is responsible for organising the school patrols at other shools how they handle the problem.
    Parents dropping their children at school should be considerate of the rules for example road signs and not blocking neighbouring driveways. Sometimes when it is very busy they will just need to park further away.

  6. I would ask 'Do you have people not follow the rules either?' 'How do\would you survive with this?' I would ask the principal of the school. I think people who live near the school and are getting their driveways blocked up are quite annoyed at these people and the parents should stop doing this so that the families can let their children walk to school.
