Friday 1 April 2011

Remember! - Tuesday 29th March

Your goals this week are

A.collect some pictures for our image board
B. post a comment to the questions below.
C. Scroll down this blog and make sure that you have not missed any other requests to leave a comment.

We are thinking around the problem of the car park. We talked about the following questions.

1. How does school encourage children to walk to school?

2. What are the bike racks for in school?

3. How can the parents find out how their children can be encouraged to walk to school if they live nearby?

If you are not sure what to write, have a chat with a family member. Being able to talk about some thing you are going to write about will help your brain to plan what you will write.


  1. Our school encourages children to walk to school by having Walking School Buses.
    The bike racks encourage children to ride as they have somewhere safe to keep their bikes during school hours.
    The school website and school newsletters contain infomation about walking to school. Other parents can be helpful as well.

  2. I will answer these questions using a video.

  3. Our school tries to get kids to use the walking school bus by making it fun with lots of kids and encourging parents. If people want to bike to school they put their bikes on the bike rack. The parents can find out about the walking school bus by reading notices, newsletters and the Kaurilands school website.

  4. The walking school bus has a pamphlet that goes home to parents that promises free milo and a sun hat to kids that join.

    The bike racks are obviously - for bikes.But I notice that there are only about a dozen bikes there every day.This is not many for a school our size.Maybe parents don't think it's safe to bike or walk.Atkinson,Captain Scott,and Kaurilands Rd,are very busy roads.Should we encourage biking more?

    Parents can talk to other parents about walking children to school or contact school for ideas like the walking school bus.

  5. Q1. The teachers could say "It is healthy for you to walk to school if you live nearby". The teachers can also send a letter home with the kids saying how the walking school bus works and how it can benefit both the parents and kids.

    Q2. If kids ride their bikes to school, they can park them in a safe place. It will also teach kids to park their bikes, out of the way so that no one trips over them.

    Q3. The kids can tell their parents that there is a walking school bus. It is also supervised by an adult so it is safe.
