Wednesday 20 April 2011

MOTAT review by Sufia

The Future Engineering Group went to MOTAT on the 17th April. Sarah,Yvette, Kern, Callum, James, Thomas, Deanna and I were doing this trip because we wanted to look at the affects of transport inventions in New Zealand. Here are some facts.

1. I looked at an old fashioned car called a Morris Minor. It is good at carrying stuff around places such as picnic baskets because it has a big boot, but it’s only got two seats so only two people can travel to places.

2. A man called Richard Pearse was the first man to make a modern day bike although the bike was a bit dangerous because it had a wobbly seat and the pedals are tiny.

3. The first bike was made in the 1790’s. It was dangerous because it had no steering or pedals.

4. My final fact is an invention timeline that shows transport inventions and when they were made.
1783 - Hot air balloon, 1787 – steamship, 1870 - penny farthing bike,
1885 - petrol engine,
1904 – first modern day bike

My favourite part was looking at the first modern day bike because I liked comparing the parts to our bikes at home.


  1. Hi Sufia, the penny farthing bike looked like a clowns bike. My favourite invention was the telephone.

  2. Sufia, I really liked how you have given two uses for the Morris Minor car.

    You could improve your review by adding information on how people began thinking about how to get more passengers into a car.

  3. Sufia, I like the time line it's useful to see all the important dates and inventions. You could talk about how safe you think bikes are today compared to the first bikes.

  4. Sufia I really liked reading your review about the timeline. To improve your review I think you should talk more about the first bike made.

  5. I liked the facts you put in. You could improve yours by adding in a fact about the trams.
