Monday 30 May 2011

Designing a project brief.

We have now collected some information around our problem. Our next stage is to design a project brief.

A design brief summarises the aim (goals) that we would like our project to achieve. This will help us to come up with some ideas for possible solutions.

This is the first part of our brief. It may change slightly because we are waiting for the results of our survey.

PROJECT NAME: Investigate ways of reducing the number of cars parked outside school, before school and after school at the very busy periods of 8.30am to 9am and 2.45pm to 3.15pm.

Location: Atkinson Road.

GOALS that we would like our project to achieve

1. Encourage parents to park their cars near school, and then walk their child to and from school from this point.

2. Encourage the correct use of the two minute drop off zone.

3. Encourage car safety when parents are dropping off their children at school.

4. Raise awareness of the walking school bus.

If we were able to achieve all these goals, what do you think you might see before and after school during the busy times? POST YOUR COMMENT.


  1. I think we would see less cars in the drop off zone and breaking the rules. Also we would see cars parked further away from school and kids walking from their car to school.


    You would see less cars parked around the school and people using the 2 min drop off zone correctly. You would also see more people walking to and from school.

  3. I think we would see people not parking in places like the staff car park and the two minute drop off zone.
