Sunday 1 May 2011

MOTAT review by Yvette

I learnt that steam trains and cars carry lots of bad gases which leak out into the air, polluting it, and it sometimes gets into the water which harm fish. What I liked about MOTAT was learning new facts about trains, trams and kiwi engineers and seeing lots of old vehicles from the olden days. I loved going to MOTAT with my team.


  1. Yevette, I like how you have mentioned that Steam trains and cars have a bad effect on our environment.

    You could improve your review by adding some information on why people invented trains and cars in the first place.

  2. Yvette, I like how you wrote about the negaitive effects of pollution from trains and cars but you could have mentioned the positive things that trains and cars bring.This would make your review longer .

  3. Yvette,I like how you said that steam trains and car's are bad on land and sea.You could improve your review by mentioning facts that you have learnt from train's,tram's and kiwi engerneers. This would make your review longer.

  4. I liked how you talked about polluting.You should add in more sentenecs in like how the fish get sick.

  5. I liked how you talked about what you enjoyed at MOTAT. You could improve yours by adding in what you liked about the cars and trams.
