Sunday 1 May 2011

MOTAT trip by Kern

We went on Sunday in the school holidays to MOTAT. I went with Whaea Ara and Callum's dad who drove us in his vehicle. We went to MOTAT to see if there were some ideas that would help fix our car park problem.

The old police cars used to be black and white and have a round flashing light that was red. Police cars in our day are sometimes red, green and white. The lights on top are long and flash red and blue. In the old days there weren't as many police cars as there are now.

To make sure things are right they make models first then build it in case there are any problems. Penny Farthings are a very dangerous bike because they shake and wobble.

The first escalator in Auckland ws made in 1954. It was not that big. It was used to transport food over to places as this helped it to stay fresher.

The end.


  1. Nice review Callum you should've made your review longer.

  2. Kern, I really liked how you have compared the old and the new police car.

    You could improve your review by adding some information on why people decided to have red, green or white flashing ligts.

  3. Kern I really liked how you talked about lots of things at MOTAT. To improve your review perphaps you could have chosen one subject and talked more on that one subject.

  4. I liked your review Kern. I think to make it a bit better you could have told us why we need more police cars now than in the old days.

  5. Kern,I liked how you said VEHICLE instead of car.perhaps you could of compared the penny farthings bike to our modern bike.
