Sunday 1 May 2011

MOTAT review by Callum

I enjoyed the Motat visit because I liked seeing all the inventions and all different modes of transport. I liked seeing all cool, little videos of things.
I liked learning that one invention along time ago led to all the different inventions Example, the motor large or small play’s a big part of today’s world
Like the bike turned into a motorbike and also lead onto other inventions.
The lever which was a strong stick in those days has now turned into a specially designed toll.
I also liked the old fashion cars and re-mote controlled tanks because all the things I have said are all modes of TRANSPORT!  

After looking into the invention/influence of the motor, I was amazed on how many
other inventions or items we use in today’s life started from one idea,

Like the Airplane motor, a propeller was added & new mode of transport was invented. The Hamilton Jet Engine invented by  Sir William Hamilton in the 1950’s used a 100 E Ford car engine to run the jet propulsion unit that made the boat move on water.
Old fashion cars only carried 2 people & were very uneconomical on petrol & the environment. They are also not very safe in accidents.
Tanks, I could play all day with Tanks but I have to go to School J
The first World War 1 tank invented was around from 1914 to 1918, and history books say
that the first tank was invented in Great Britain in 1915.
Just like the old fashioned cars the early Tanks
were very uneconomical on petrol & the environment
also not very safe in accidents.
I would like to drive a real Tank one day, I wonder if Motat have a real working Tank???


  1. I liked your review Callum.I liked the RC tanks too.I think you should have made your review longer

  2. Callum, I really liked the way you have made the connection that one invention leads to another invention. You also gave a very good example with the bike and motorbike.

    You could improve your review by adding some information on what other things people had to start thinking about when making these inventions for travelling?

  3. Callum,I like how you compared the bike to the moter bike.You could improve your review by naming some old fashoned car's.

  4. Callum I really enjoyed reading your review about your trip to MOTAT, it seems you learnt alot about cars and motors. I look forward to reading more about what your group is up to.
    Mrs O :-)

  5. Callum I really enjoyed reading your review about the motorbike.
    To improve your review I think you need to talk more about the petrol in the old days.
