Monday 23 May 2011

The goal this week is......

YOUR GOAL THIS WEEK IS TO PUT ON YOUR THINKING CAPS TO ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. This will help me to check your understanding of the learning.

Last week was spent surveying the senior school. We have nearly collected all the information.

We talked of the IMPORTANCE of RECORDING the information correctly. One survey came back with no addresses in the addresses column. Explain why we could not use this survey.

What kind of information do you think we could find out from these surveys?

It is always good to collect information on any problem in more than one way. For this reason we will be meeting at school tomorrow at 8.30am to take digital pictures of -

1. What the two minute drop off zone looks like.

2. What the public car park looks like.

3. What the footpaths look like ( are cars parked on them?)

4. What the driveways look like (are they being blocked by other cars?)

How do we know that these are areas that we need to take pictures of? 

Sarah and James will have a special job in the morning of keeping a tally chart of the number of cars who do not follow the guidelines when using the drop off zone.

Finally, it is always a good idea to scroll down this blog, to check older postings as they will remind you of your past learning.


  1. 1.We find out where people live and how they travel to school.

    2.There is no point in asking do you travel to school if you don't know there address.

    3.It is a place were nobody can park.


    1.They will have no idea and we will get no information and it would not help with this problem.

    2.So we no how much people are drving close to school. Also they are wasting money if they drive close to school.

    3.Because if they are parking in the two minute zone. They might cause traffic for people who need to drop there childern off .

    1.The drop off zone looks small and hardly any cars park there but that is wrong heaps of cars park there.
    2. The public car park is colossal and very hard to get a car park like the car parks at West Wave Aquatic Centre.

    3. It depends if there is no car parks then some people will park on drive ways or foot paths.

    4.They are sometimes very narrow and sometimes very big, cars sometimes park in the drive ways.
